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Bachelor of Business Administration


在线 & 在校园
学者 / 商学院 / 人力资源管理


People are a company’s most important asset. It’s why human resource (HR) man年龄ment is such a critical function within every business. 公司需要能够对人力资本进行战略性思考,并平衡公司不同员工的需求的人才. As a leader within the HR department, you can play a vital role in creating an eng年龄d, productive workforce that will impact the overall effectiveness of your organization.

Alex has had the opportunity to view the University as a community member, student and employee. 从她的优势来看, TU deeply values students of diverse experiences and provides a sense of belonging and inclusion, 不管你来自哪里.

博彩平台推荐(Tiffin University)的人力资源管理工商管理硕士(BBA in 人力资源管理)是一个以职业为导向的学位,专为那些想要真正改变职场中其他人的职业和生活的人而设. You’ll develop the skills needed for the effective acquisition, 培训, 绩效考核, laws and regulations that determine the rights and obligations of employees and employers, 工作分析, 工作评估, establishing pay structures and benefits, risk man年龄ment and loss prevention, 安全管理 & 工人赔偿、雇员援助计划、预防性健康问题、应急响应 & 准备, 奖励和公平对待员工——无论你是打算在财富500强公司还是小企业中谋求职业生涯.

从第一堂人力资源课开始,你将开始学习人力资源领域的七个主要职能. 我们的课程是围绕人力资源管理协会的指导方针开发的,为学生准备完成人力资源管理协会(SHRM)认证. Our industry-focused curriculum, along with the strong business core classes, will prepare you for leadership roles within the human resource field.

在每门课程中, you’ll learn from experienced faculty who speak from experience, having served in industry leadership positions including Director of Human Resources, Regional Human Resource Man年龄r, Director of Employee Education and Training, 合规经理等. 这些经验丰富的专家曾为摩根大通等国内领先公司管理人力资源, 惠而浦, 欧文斯科宁, 洛斯, 马拉松石油公司, 大力神轮胎, 卡地纳健康和其他公司.

Professional Human Resource Training
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the human resource challenges faced in organizations.
  • As part of a professionally focused curriculum, you’ll gain relevant field knowledge and career-ready skills.
  • Our faculty’s extensive experience makes for valuable, meaningful classroom discussion and industry interaction.
  • 培养解决问题的管理能力和战略思维能力,这将帮助你成为一名领导者.
  • TU商学院获得了商学院和课程认证委员会(ACBSP)的认证。.
  • On a national standardized test by Peregrine, in the area of 人力资源管理, Tiffin University 商学院 students scored on aver年龄 6.79 percent年龄 points higher as compared with students from ACBSP schools.

这种加速课程可以让你同时获得工商管理硕士和工商管理硕士学位, giving you the ability to earn a bachelor’s and master’s in just five years, saving you both time and money. Learn about our MBA programs.

Balancing cutting-edge theory with hands-on practice, the BBA in 人力资源管理 will prepare you for the world of work. After completing our program, you’ll be prepared to recruit, select and hire. You’ll have a firm understanding of performance man年龄ment systems, 薪酬及福利, 接班人计划, 政策的实施, 培训和发展 and diversity and inclusion. You’ll have strong communication skills and the ability to critically think and problem solve.

你将获得这些知识和这些职业准备技能通过与谁知道他们说什么教师学习. Our passionate instructors have worked with Fortune 500 companies. They’ve worked in private equity firms and small family owned businesses. These experiences and ongoing networks allow for valuable, meaningful classroom discussion and industry interaction.

非常重要的是, you’ll put the knowledge and skills you learn to practice, as every HR student must meet a requirement of 150 hours of experiential learning. 这种与外部公司合作的经验对于为我们的学生提供相关领域的知识至关重要. The companies where our students intern are served as well, as their executives have recognized the level of career readiness our HR students exhibit.

Bringing Knowledge to Practice
  • The program uses current events in order to teach about real-time, real-world HR issues.
  • Guest speakers bring an industry perspective to our classrooms. 最近的演讲者包括. 人力资源项目经理, DS Brown-Gibraltar; Director of Human Resources, VideoJet Technologies; Senior Human Resources Business Partner, Cooper Tire; Director of Diversity and Inclusion, 马拉松石油公司; and more.
  • 与在该领域工作的校友联系的广泛机会将使您获得进一步的行业和专业知识.
  • 你将被鼓励加入当地的人力资源管理分会,作为一种建立人际网络的方式,并获得与该领域相关的进一步知识.
  • 我们的学生随时准备在毕业时参加人力资源管理协会的认证.

在课堂上主动学习和使用元认知方法可以让学生更好地解决问题,并参与批判性思维. 以强大的管理为基础的核心课程支持人力资源项目,允许在项目课程和核心课程中注入多层次的案例研究. 团队项目的演示要求支持沟通、领导和协作.

你将从博彩平台推荐(Tiffin University)毕业,获得人力资源学位,以及许多小时的宝贵实践经验. You’ll be required to complete a professional internship during your junior and/or senior year. 在人力资源教员的指导下,你将在一家外部选定的公司完成150个小时的实习. 该公司将提供监督和在职培训,以确保你正在学习实践经验,为你的长期就业做准备.

Bringing Knowledge to Practice
  • Case study discussions, presentations and development are heavily used within the HR curriculum.
  • 当前的行业专业人士被带到课堂上讨论职业,并就适用的专业和行业经验进行分享和公开对话.
  • Students within the HR program actively eng年龄 in mock interviews with local business leaders, reviewing concepts from both an interviewee and interviewer perspective.
  • 人力资源是一个通过整合多样性来体现全球思维视角的领域, 公平与包容. Capitalizing on our own campus diversity, group work within the classroom allows students to interact with widely diverse populations.

人力资源管理 Major 

  • ACC228 Man年龄rial 会计 – 3 hours
  • CST312 Information Systems for Man年龄rs – 3 hours
  • LAW321 Employment and Labor Law – 3 hours
  • MGT301 Organizational Behavior – 3 hours
  • MGT317 人力资源管理 – 3 hours
  • MGT318 Total Compensation (online only) – 3 hours
  • MGT320 Human Resource Risk Man年龄ment (online only) – 3 hours
  • MGT351 Managing Diversity in the Workplace – 3 hours
  • MGT402 Training and Development (online only) – 3 hours
  • MGT443 Strategic 人力资源管理 (online only) – 3 hours

合计- 30小时


This is a sample course sequence to illustrate course offerings for this major. Consult the official Academic 公告 for detailed registration and advising information.


Employment and Labor Law (LAW321) -本课程概述了确定雇员和雇主的权利和义务的各种法律法规. Topics covered include the nature of the employment relationship and common law principles, 禁止基于种族和性别等某些受保护特征的歧视, 工资和工时法, the Family Medical Leave Act, the National Labor Relations Act and other similar areas of labor and employment law. The primary focus is on federal laws 政府erning the employment relationship, but there will also be discussion of state and local laws.

人力资源管理 (MGT317) – A study of the human resource function in business. Major areas of study will include staffing, 招聘, 培训和发展, w年龄 and salary administration, 工作分析 and evaluation and labor relations.

Total Compensation Man年龄ment (MGT318) – A study of the total compensation man年龄ment function in business, as evidenced through the human resource framework. Major areas of activity will include 工作分析, 工作评估, establishing pay structures and benefits.

Human Resource Risk Man年龄ment (MGT320) – This course will examine the scope and role of HR in the occupational health and safety arena, the fundamental components of comprehensive programs and, 更重要的是, 这些考虑因素之间的相互作用以及人力资源专业人员在他们的成功中有多重要. 涵盖的主题包括OSHA要求,风险管理和损失预防,安全管理 & 工人赔偿、雇员援助计划、预防性健康问题、应急响应 & 准备 and developing a culture of safety, amongst others. 将重点放在全面健康和安全计划的基本组成部分,以保护组织中的员工并避免昂贵的责任.

Managing Diversity in the Workplace (MGT351) -在跨国企业增长和美国劳动力日益多样化的背景下, this course deals with gender, 种族, 年龄, cultural and other differences in the workplace. The course will focus on being open, 敏感的, 公平地处理差异,将多样性作为组织内部的积极力量. This is a writing intensive course.


在校园 – Offered in a 15-week semester format with start dates of January and August

在线 – Offered in two terms per semester starting in January, March, May, July, August and October

The field of human resources is growing. 在过去的五年里, 人力资源专业人员已经从行政人员转变为企业内部的战略合作伙伴. Organizational commitment to diversity, 公平与包容 has contributed to the growth and desire of the field of HR.

美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)表示,未来几年,人力资源职位的就业机会预计将以比平均水平快得多的速度增长.

  • 企业招聘人员
  • Customer Service Representative
  • 人力资源助理
  • 人力资源总监
  • 人力资源经理
  • 人力资源专员
  • Meeting, Convention and Event Planner
  • 项目经理
  • 采购代理
  • 招聘人员
  • Association Man年龄ment Group, Inc.
  • Avion水务公司.
  • 坎贝尔石油公司.
  • 卡地纳健康公司.
  • 冠军家居装饰
  • 托莱多市
  • 皇冠电池
  • 影响信用社
  • Klarna
  • 闲逛的解决方案
  • 劳氏公司.
  • 马拉松石油公司
  • 国家机器
  • 国人民银行
  • Sherwin-Williams
  • 高速公路有限责任公司
  • Taiho Corporation of America
  • 惠而浦公司





“利用我的TU网络,我在一家《博彩平台推荐》50强公司找到了一份实习工作,并最终获得了全职会计职位. 两年后, I have been able to work with the company’s internal audit department, environmental accounting group and now with product inventory team. 在那个时候, 我向包括高级管理人员在内的大型团队提供了季度和年度数据,并协助了几个项目,包括我们正在整合整个公司的西部和东部业务单元合并的软件测试.”

To truly stand out, we must not feel compelled to fit in.